Flipped Community: Decentralizing Online Learning

2024-03-29T13:32:35+00:00Digital Learning, Education, Learning Innovation|

Several years ago, I was working on a draft paper that discusses decentralizing online learning by flipping our concept of a learning community. The notes below summarize the draft paper, which, at the moment, remains still incomplete and unfinished. The concept of "flipping" is popular in education. It implies a change for the better, whether in course design ("flipped classroom") or, as proposed in this article, the underlying concept of "learning community." Flipping Community: A New Approach The authors argue that the traditional notion of "learning community" in higher education is problematic for several reasons: Lack of Theoretical Grounding: They critique the field for its fragmented approach and lack of a unifying theory of learning community and social presence in courses. Static View: Traditional communities can be seen as static, failing to recognize the shifting, multi-faceted identities of students. Isolation: These communities can promote an insular view, cut off from the wider world and students' other communities. Singularity: There's a risk of promoting a dominant, potentially superior view that suppresses diverse perspectives. Mono-Cultural: Even when trying to be inclusive, a learning community can inadvertently perpetuate a mono-cultural perspective. The 'Flipped Community' Model The authors propose a solution: the "flipped community" theory. Key characteristics include: Shifting, not Static: Embracing the transient, diverse nature of student identities. Metropolitan, not Isolated: Acknowledging students' existence within many communities, and valuing learning from those external contexts. Multiple, not Singular: Allowing for a range of viewpoints without pressure to conform to a single perspective. Multi-Cultural, not Mono-Cultural: Actively promoting diverse viewpoints and preventing consensus-driven monoculture. Big Picture Considerations The article then contrasts traditional and 'flipped' communities on aspects like: Focus: Inward vs. Outward/External Goals: Centralized around the instructor vs. Decentralized Student Connections: Primarily within the course vs. also including engagement with wider society Duration: Illusion of permanence vs. Acceptance of transience Instructor's Shifting Role Traditional View: Instructor as the central authority, [...]

Building a Culture of Instructional Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges (Presentation)

2024-03-29T13:40:13+00:00Digital Learning, Education, Leadership, Learning Innovation, Management, Strategy|

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, fostering a culture of continuous innovation – embracing new ways to enhance the learning experience – is a top priority for many institutions. However, motivating faculty to explore and implement new teaching approaches can be a significant challenge. In 2017, while at William & Mary, I presented at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). My presentation titled "Building a Culture of Instructional Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges" aimed to ignite a conversation on how institutions can best support and inspire faculty to embrace innovation in their teaching. Presentation Summary The Context of Innovation: My presentation explored the interplay between an institution's mission focused on high-quality teaching and a broader culture embracing innovation. It highlighted the need for alignment between these two objectives. Defining Instructional Innovation: To frame the discussion, I clarified that instructional innovation encompasses any new or creative approach that aims to enhance students' learning. Such innovation can be small-scale, large-scale, and may or may not involve technology. Understanding Faculty Needs: The presentation delved into the fundamental needs of faculty: ongoing development, recognition, rewards, autonomy, and the desire to teach effectively. Motivating Faculty: I highlighted both common incentives (promotion opportunities, compensation, release time) as well as often overlooked intrinsic motivators, such as the desire to improve student learning and a sense of belonging to an innovative institution. Barriers to Innovation: A significant portion of the presentation focused on real-world obstacles that commonly hinder faculty's adoption of new teaching methods: Negative Perceptions: Skepticism towards the effectiveness of new approaches and the training needed to implement them. Lack of Motivation: Even when extensive resources are available, faculty (especially junior faculty focused on tenure) may not prioritize innovation. Time Constraints: Limited time to explore and implement new strategies. Workload Concerns: The additional work required may be a deterrent, especially when development time is [...]

Building a Faculty Development Culture of Instructional Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges

2024-03-29T13:34:34+00:00Digital Learning, Education, Learning Innovation|

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, fostering a culture of continuous innovation is crucial. Encouraging faculty to explore and adopt new instructional approaches is key to enhancing student learning experiences. Yet, institutions often face challenges in successfully engaging faculty in this process. In 2017, while at William & Mary, I presented with Instructional Design Specialist Josh Chung at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Our presentation, titled "Building a Faculty Development Culture for Instructional Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges" delved into the complexities surrounding innovation in higher education. We explored motivations, barriers, and strategies for institutions seeking to cultivate a dynamic environment where innovation thrives. Presentation Summary Defining Instructional Innovation: The presentation clarified that instructional innovation encompasses any new or creative approach that aims to enhance students' learning. It can range from small, incremental changes to disruptive shifts and may or may not involve technology. The Context of Innovation: We examined the delicate balance between an institution's teaching mission and an innovation-driven culture. The presentation looked at the issue from both macro (institutional) and micro (individual faculty/student) perspectives. Reasons for Resistance: Despite the potential benefits, faculty can be hesitant to embrace instructional innovation. We highlighted key reasons: limited formal training in teaching, a culture focused primarily on research, and a lack of awareness of available resources. The Importance of Marketing Faculty Development: The presentation stressed that merely providing faculty development options is insufficient. Institutions need to strategically market these opportunities using principles like the 'Enrollment Management Funnel,' tailored messaging, and even mirroring successful models like the pharmaceutical sales representative approach. A Multi-Level Marketing Model: We proposed a marketing model for faculty development that targets three key areas: Individual: Appealing to faculty's intrinsic desire to improve student learning and be part of a progressive environment. Instructional: Focusing on practical benefits, meeting students' needs, and pedagogical effectiveness. [...]

How to Make Your Online Teaching More Human: 5 Ideas

2024-03-29T13:37:25+00:00Digital Learning, Education|

Online learning can be impersonal, uninteresting, inhuman, and dreadfully boring. I came up with this years ago and have been saying this as an online teacher or leader in one form or another for years. Why? Because it's true! Online learning can be every bit of that - impersonal, uninteresting, inhuman, and dreadfully boring. One of my favorite presentations that I have given is this one - How to Make Your Online Teaching More Human: 5 Ideas. For much of my career as an online leader and educator, I have been dealing with this aspect of online learning. Distance education from the beginning until today suffers from transactional distance. That's just the way it is, by definition. However, as an online teacher, there are things that you can do to make your course more human and to help minimize the psychological and communication gap that transactional distance creates. So, please feel free to explore the slide deck for this presentation to discover 5 ways to make your online teaching more human.

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